Thank you for registering

Please note that your registration will only be valid after receiving of your registration fees

Welcome to our exhibition payment page.

Rental Fee: $500.00/Table 3*6 Ft.

Pay by credit card:

  • click the “Pay Now” button below and you will be redirected to our secure payment page hosted by Clover;
  • Supply your credentials and finish the payment process

Payment by check: Please remit in U.S. DOLLARS drawn on a U.S. bank for proper credit. Return duplicate form with check made payable to SUGAR INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGISTS, INC and mail it to

The preferred method of payments to S.I.T. is by credit card. However, if payment by check is your preferred choice: Please remit in U.S. DOLLARS drawn on a U.S. bank for proper credit. Return duplicate form with check made payable to SUGAR INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGISTS, INC.  and mail it to:

4032 Captiva Row, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579, U.S.A.

You can request additional information below.

SIT Request Bank information
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