Payment Annual Meeting

Thank you for registering for our annual meeting.

Pleas note that your regsitration will only be valid after payment of the registration fees.

Member registration costs US$600.00 if completed by 1st of April 2025, after which it will be US$750. The fee includes the Mixer, Technical Sessions, Luncheon, and Awards Banquet.

Spouse or Guest registration costs US$400.00 and includes the Mixer, and the Awards Banquet.

Pay by credit card:

  • click the “Pay Now” button below and you will be redirected to our secure payment page hosted by Clover;
  • Supply your credentials and finish the payment process

The preferred method of payments to S.I.T. is by credit card. However, if payment by check is your preferred choice: Please remit in U.S. DOLLARS drawn on a U.S. bank for proper credit. Return duplicate form with check made payable to SUGAR INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGISTS, INC.  and mail it to:

125 S. Cortez St., New Orleans, LA 70119, U.S.A.

You can request additional information below.

SIT Request Bank information
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